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Has anyone had the lapband?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Has anyone had the lapband?

I just got a a lapband done in May and I'm 70 pounds lighter. I just want to know if anyone has had it done?

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September 24, 2008
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`No. I'm going to do my best to lose weight by eating right and exercising before considering anything that extreme.
Not that I'm condemning it, I know it's gotta be a lifesaver for a lot of people. For myself, though, I have SEEN results when I've stuck with exercising. I know I can do it if I just stay focused.

70 lbs in four months though. Wow, it must have just been falling off of you:P That must have been a hard choice, though

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former member default image - bird flying away

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sheevaa wrote: `No. I'm going to do my best to lose weight by eating right and exercising before considering anything that extreme.
Not that I'm condemning it, I know it's gotta be a lifesaver for a lot of people. For myself, though, I have SEEN results when I've stuck with exercising. I know I can do it if I just stay focused.

70 lbs in four months though. Wow, it must have just been falling off of you:P That must have been a hard choice, though

Yeah it was something I had to think about it for a year. The weight is falling off but at the same time I don't see it. It's hard because everyone is seeing the difference.

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May 30, 2009
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`well congratulations young lady.I know that the surgeons require a yr before actually doing the surgery,in most cases,to see if you can loose any on your own i.e not an emotional eater,and to find out if you can stick to a plan.Imo this is ridiculous,the making you wait a yr,it doesn't have any merit imo or justification.I have seen alot of people go right back to their old ways of eating right after surgery.The lapband is as good as any other procedure for weightloss with its own whatifs like band slipping but hey to each their own.I just hope that after you loose your desired weight,that you begin practicing good diet choses like fresh fruit instead of cookies or ice cream.I think one of the biggest problems we face as overweight folks is our desire for love and getting the same feeling from chocolate without the emotional turmoil.Sweets are the real weight packer-ons imo and the easiest to get a food addiction to.Oh and I know that most of you know what I'm about to say and that is that white bread and white pasta and rice turn to sugar in our systems.

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September 16, 2010
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I agree with the wise, Miss SoutherFinery about making lifestyle changes along with the surgery. It's excellent that you are losing weight, but at the same time, I believe it's a waste of more pain, money, and time if you undergo such an extreme surgery and not better your eating habits or fitting in any extended exercise time. Not saying you're not - -I don't even know anything about you other than your post; I'm just putting in my 2 cents on a good point.

And I'm very happy for you that the surgery has worked for you! As for not noticing the change, it's hard for the person losing the weight to see any result, because you're seeing yourself everyday as the gradual change takes place. A lot of people have that issue an it's caused me to quit in my weight loss attempts before. So my solution to nip that in the bud was to take photos of myself at all angles before I began my weightloss journey. I recieved a comment from my Mom first that she seen a change and I didn't believe her and I didn't want to take an updated picture and then be dissapointed. But every couple of weeks I've taken a photo, and there's a subtle, gradual change from photo to photo, but "Day 1" photo is a noticable change from today's photo. But I never had the surgery and my current tool is exercise with a few healthier atlernatives to my diet.

I've been at it for I think two months now and I'm getting more and more positive feedback from mostly customers who don't see me for a whole week or two at a time, so the change looks less subtle compared to those who see me everyday.

But I'm actually curious about the surgery because I'm not as familiar with it as most people here are. This is the operation where they close off a portion of the stomach so you don't eat as much, am I right? What was your recovery like? Was it a long time to recover or was it rather quick, or difficult? Sorry for my ignorance, and sorry I wrote a novel.

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October 26, 2008
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`I am working up the impetus to join TOPS.
i used to belong to Weight Watchers and loved it but cannot afford it.
I know how to eat better, but I am like an alcoholic, I need the AA type meetings to keep me going.
I agree with southernfinery. Chocolate good feelings are a hell of a lot easier to get than the same thing from a relationship and with a whole lot less stress. Sucks though.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`In my opinion i think my often than not people go under the knife simply because they want the change now as opposed to the exercising and eating right, in order to loose weight. i feel people think they can go pay all that money then loose the weight but then go right back to there same old habits or over eating and gorging themselves on meals that are no where near healthy. thats when the weight starts coming back on their back to square 1. being over weight isnt just about the physical, buts its also an emotional and mental issue. like @chitownlatina21 about every one seeing the difference except for herself. because from being extremely big to loosing a ton of weight it takes time for mind to really catch up to the change of what you used to be to what you are now. but i feel that once you start believing in yourself and making more changes that just depending on the lapband only then will you be able to see yourself in ways that others do and have a better outlook on yourself

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`Yes, I had the lap band surgery done in Dec 2008. Well, I am one of those people invisibleshades is talking about. I lost weight at first but then I did not follow the program and gained back the weight plus some. Over the past year, I have been doing things completely different and have lost 41 lbs. I'm exercising, taking a dietary supplement, drinking lots of water and eating less. NO Dieting..Diets do not work for me at all. I have lost weight slowly but am now speeding it up with the supplement. If I had to do it all over again, I would not have had the surgery. I just wasn't ready to do right at the time. Even though i had convinced myself I was ready.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`that's my question, how do you know when your truly ready. I know all the medical reasons I should lose weight, I know the personal reasons,, ext But I'm not sure if that's enough. Do I want to lose for me or because I think I should.......

Only time will tell.

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February 12, 2010
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August 18, 2011
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`I had the Gastric Bypass done and i lost more than 100lbs in 6 months i was losing 2lbs per day!! it was crazy!! but hey i was only drinking water....eating j-lo, yogurt, string could i not loose weight? as soon as i started eating solids i slowly started gaining wight I had my surgery dec. 2008 as of now (dec, 2011) ive gained probably about 75lbs back from the 100lbs i had trying not to gain it all back! but its hard and is not that i eat a lot... idk my body is against me lol....but ive notices that when im in the mood were i dont care about my weight i start losing the im trying not to think about my wight no more....but just enjoy my self....and feel free!!

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